WY-Sen-A: Enzi Will Seek Another Term

From the Associated Press:

Sen. Mike Enzi announced Saturday that he is running for a third term.

There had been speculation that Enzi would not seek re-election after he was passed over for a seat on the powerful Senate Finance Committee earlier this year.

Enzi made his announcement at the Gillette City Hall. He spent more than 10 minutes speaking about his achievements and thanking his supporters before he made clear that he is running.

I’m mildly surprised, considering that Enzi’s had a pretty lousy time lately in the Senate, getting passed over for an assignment on the Finance Committee by his GOP colleagues.

9 thoughts on “WY-Sen-A: Enzi Will Seek Another Term”

  1. This is probably welcome news to a good few Repubs but all it really shows is what a terrible situation they are in – worried about even the possibility of an open seat in Wyoming. Fickin’ WYOMING! Ha ha they are so screwed!

  2. No ones saying they were worried about Enzi not seeking re-election. The Democrats have no chance at either WY Senate seat, Enzi running or not.

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